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Grassroots Action Toolkit - Community

How we choose to live is perhaps one of the most important choices people can make. Realizing the interconnected nature of ourselves, our community and the environment can be a cause for change.

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Sample letter to your representative

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Protect the Sacred Place where Life Begins

Sierra Club's Conservation Priority Campaigns

"Moving, lucid and aptly told, Oil on Ice
is quite simply the best documentary
to date on the [Arctic National Wildlife Refuge] issue."

-Art Goodtimes The Telluride Watch



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Community News
Sarah Palin: A Big Boon for Big Oil
Will Palin Change the Game on ANWR?
Reasons to Oppose Drilling in ANWR Found in Alaska’s North Slope
ANWR Front and Center
7 congressional candidates visit Arctic Refuge
Candidates Clash On Impact Of Offshore Drilling
Boehner falsely claims there’s no ‘wildlife’ in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.


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