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Since 2002, the producers of Oil on Ice have been steadily working to tell the story of Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in order to counter the view that the Refuge is a vast wasteland. Little did they know that their efforts would turn into a campaign to save the Arctic Refuge.

Now, through DVD and Web technologies, the Oil on Ice documentary has moved to the forefront of the debate of whether or not to drill in the Arctic Refuge. Through vivid images, compelling stories and thorough analysis of the oil drilling argument, we see that the issues are complex, with many interests at stake.

To keep Oil and Ice going, and to make sure we remain up-to-date, to continue to provide a more complete picture of the Arctic Refuge, we need your help.

Here's how you can help spread the message of Oil on Ice:

  • Purchase copies of Oil on Ice for yourself, your friends and family.
  • Pass your copy of Oil on Ice around to spread the word.
  • Donate to Oil on Ice by clicking the button below...

Oil On Ice is a sponsored project of the Northern Alaska Environmental Center (NAEC). The NAEC is a 501C3 non-profit organization. The producers appreciate donations from individuals, organizations and foundations to assist us in the completion of production, outreach and promotion for the Oil On Ice campaign. Your donation is tax deductible. For more information about the NAEC visit Northern.org.

Please make your check payable to NAEC - Oil On Ice. The mailing address is

Oil On Ice
c/o Northern Alaska Environmental Center
Attention: Arthur Hussey
830 College Road
Fairbanks, AK 99701

"Moving, lucid and aptly told, Oil on Ice
is quite simply the best documentary
to date on the [Arctic National Wildlife Refuge] issue."

-Art Goodtimes The Telluride Watch



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