Oil on Ice is a rebuttal to Frank Murkowski's claim that there isn't a there there. The Refuge is the feeding and breeding grounds for over 180 species of resident and migratory birds, a herd of 130,000 caribou, all three species of North American bears, plus Dall sheep, muskox, weasels, lemmings, wolves, foxes, wolverine, and porcupine.
Here, we've collected some fact sheets and tools that you can use to help protect the wildlife of the refuge and links that bring this issue home to everyone. |
Write a Letter
Sample letter to your representative
Study the Facts
Life on Coastal Plain of Refuge
Endangered Species and Habitat
Wildlife Conservation Society's work on the
Arctic Coastal Plain
Send a Postcard
Please Keep It Wild! This postcard, courtesy of the Alaska Coalition, is a simple and easy way to show your support for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Print it out and send it to the address shown on the card.
Explore Wildlife Issues Near You
What is happening with the Arctic Refuge affects us all, and similiar battles are being fought throughout the world. Visit our Related Issues page at OilonIce.org.
Updated Wildlife resources from OilonIce.org