Oil on Ice - Grassroots Action Toolkit

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How we choose to live is perhaps one of the most important choices people can make. Realizing the interconnected nature of ourselves, our community and the environment can be a cause for change.

Write a letter
Sample letter to your representative

Learn more
Protect the Sacred Place where Life Begins

Sierra Club's Conservation Priority Campaigns


Updated Community resources from OilonIce.org

“The animals, the rivers—we’re essentially a voice for things that cannot talk. We don’t see ourselves as separate from those things. If the rivers and animals are poisoned, the poisons will work their way into us, too.”

-Evon Peter

Content for this section provided by:

  • Alaska Coalition
  • Gwich'in Steering Committee
  • Sierra Club

    Additional links:
  • Sacred Land Film Project
  • more on OilonIce.org
  • Energy Wildlife Wild Lands Community General Tools Community Wildlife Wild Lands Energy Get Connected Oil on Ice Home Grassroots Action Toolkit